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Bonnie is a busy and seasoned songwriter who splits her time between Nashville and Philadelphia, writing and working with talent in both areas. She writes both lyrics and music, in multiple genres. Her instrument of choice is her Breedlove Guitar (Retro OM/ER 09053648), although she also writes on piano.  When she performs, she embraces her Breedlove!

Currently, in. 2020-2021, Bonnie continues to work closely with multi-national recording artist and previous VOICE (and LA VOZ) contestant MANNY CABO. He has recorded and released a number of her songs and songs they have written together.

In the past two years, Bonnie has had 28 cuts with indie artists in seven (7) different genres:  Contemporary Country, Jazz, Christian, Rock, Pop, Children’s, Christmas.  She has also been honored to win a few awards in that time frame — 2 POSI Awards for Song of the Year in the Social Justice Category,  The TSAI Song of the Year in the Country/ Americana Category, and a Midwest CMA Award for Song of the Year, written with the Band of the Year (Lake N Lyndale ).  She also has a few single-song publishing deals and has a song signed to SYNCOLOGY MUSIC and WASHINGTON STREET PUBLISHING.  Additionally, she co-wrote with and helped launch the Band 308 Ghost Train, which is now signed to UNIVERSAL.

In addition to songwriting, Bonnie has worn a number of different hats in the music industry over the years. She has booked a venue; organized showcases and educational events for the music community; written music feature articles for an art magazine; co-managed a band; organized a “summer in the park” music series, judged songwriting and performance competitions, and more.

Bonnie spends her days co-writing, recording demos, pitching songs, networking, attending musical events, and also supporting her friends at their shows.  Because she considers herself a supportive cowriter when she writes with and for artists, the links on Spotify and Youtube for her songs (and her cowrites) are the Artist’s releases.  A few appear below. She does have songs that she pitches to artists and other opportunities. You can find those on her website:

Manny Cabo – WORST BAD DECISION (Manny Cabo/ Bonnie Warren).

Manny Cabo – ALL NIGHT AGAIN (written by Bonnie Warren):

Manny Cabo – THE LAST ONE (written by Bonnie Warren): Spotify:album:1QGZ2Jup8qAqmWvPPLvMOO

Lake N Lyndale – THERE’S A WEIGHT (written by The Krentz’s, Anthony Caruso, Bonnie Warren):

Samantha Nider – WE ARE US (written by Bonnie Warren, Sara Spicer, and Anthony Caruso)

Heather Smith – CHRISTMAS IN YOUR HEART (Written by Corey Lee Barker, Janelle Angel, Kenny Angel, Bonnie Warren):


Bonnie is always up for a new project. Email her at  She looks forward to hearing from you. Thanks!