Becoming an artist and releasing music is becoming easier these days with platforms such as; SoundCloud, Bandcamp, as well as iTunes and Spotify. Artists have the capability to create a DIY record where they produce and release their own music into the always-expanding music industry. This all sounds great, but just because it is easier to put music out there doesn’t mean people will hear it.
Sonicbids’ blog author, Sam Friedman, caught up with Breedlove artist Frank Viele on the ease of releasing music even if nobody knows who you are. “I had met a producer, Vic Steffens of Horizon Music Group while performing in 2010 at the Dewey Beach Music Conference in Delaware. Vic had made records with everybody from Sly Stone to Harry Connick, Jr., but his passion was the art of the song. He taught me that I not only needed to perform live at a high level, but that my songs had to speak truly. So I decided that it was best to continue to grow both my songwriting and my live performance before I put the finishing touches on the record and released it. That being said, part of making this record was the personal and artistic growth I experienced during the process. By the time the record came out, I felt more ready than ever to go onstage and bring this album to the world one club at a time.”
Being an artist takes skill and talent, that much we all know. The world of technology is making it easier for an artist to release and produce their own music. Where this is great, it doesn’t mean the artist is truly ready to release their music. In Frank’s experience, he felt that he needed to perform live shows and make a name for himself before he released a record. Once he did he was able to see great results from purchases or even just plays on the radio because he developed a following. If you want to learn more about Frank’s experience making a name for himself and recording his first record check out the Frank Viele blog post!