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Everybody needs a guitar that sounds great. Some folks need one that looks great, too. Really great. As in ‘a step above’ great. An instrument that creates an instant, powerful and memorable image.

Think of the drama of Johnny Cash strumming a stark black six string. Recall the passion of Jimi Hendrix and his white Stratocaster at Woodstock. That kind of great.

Breedlove knows that performers consider every aspect of their instrument and that’s why we’re reprising, by popular demand, our satin black and white Concert models. Last year’s limited run sold out immediately, so you’ll want to get yours now!

Based on our most versatile, best-selling body shape, these thin, open-sounding satin finishes are made for the stage and create that indelible impression you’re after. Instead of reflecting like glossy mirrors and distracting your audience, they put the focus where it belongs, on you.

Less likely to show fingerprints and playwear in promotional photos, the satin advantage also reduces body squeak in the studio, allowing your performance to shine, rather than your finish.

Decide to stand out. Go satin.