Ruddy Meicher is self-taught acoustic guitarist who mainly plays by ear . He's a Fingerstyle and Percussive fingerstyle guitarist. Ruddy began on the piano as a child, with a blind teacher who developed very soon a sharp ear. As a teen was obsessed with drums and other percussion. His guitar style grew from this obsession, as well as the various non-guitar influences such as trip hop and tribal house music.
He studies Gypsy Techniques in Spain and mathematical music theory. The guitar become is mean of expression when he discover Andy Mckee. Ruddy take some of his techniques to specialized himself in fingerstyle Inspired by several fields very different from guitar , as the trip hop , the tribal electronic house music,piano, and percussions, he's different by his particular Guitar playing and develops his own style, immediately identifiable.
He refined his technique and his arranger skills with musical Arrangements in « fingerstyle guitar » From francis Cabrel to rihanna, Eagles, U2 or Bob Marley or Michael Jackson , Ruddy arrange and perform more than 50 songs. He perform too some of is compositions , 20 in percussive fingerstyle .