Back in 2008, we created the Focus Special Edition (SE) in order to bring new life to one of our most popular models. We gave the Focus a redwood top to pair with East Indian rosewood on the back and sides of its Concert soft cutaway body style, giving this guitar a new twist by creating an updated look and tonal profile.
For our 30th Anniversary, we knew that in order bring the Focus SE out of retirement, we would have to make it extra special. Just like in 2008, it all came down to wood.
In this case, we’re talking about one very specific log of sinker redwood that would not only help this guitar sing, but it would look unlike any other Focus SE we’ve produced before.
Our wood supplier, Cyril Jacob of C Jacob Woods, shares the origin of this log: “That came out of the lower Klamath River, and that it was harvested by a tribal member there who asked permission from the tribal elders to salvage some of the old growth redwoods that have washed down and onto the bank of the river.”
The log was found with its roots rotted away, which helped determine its age. Jacob says, “There were just little bits of nubs on the main base of the root, which means it’s been down for centuries.” He continues, “There’s a couple of things that indicate that it’s a pre-logging, ancient forest. The exterior parts of the natural edge, all of that was gone.”
The dark color that gives this wood such a unique look doesn’t just look great, it’s also hard to come by in a piece of wood. Jacob explains, “That color is consistent throughout. If you leave old growth, full grown Redwood laying out in the sun, it will blacken in from the outside edges. But long before it gets black or dark colors all the way through, the wood will rot. To actually get this kind of coloration all the way through the wood means that it was buried and has been down for more than a couple of centuries.”
This sinker redwood top is the highlight of the 30th Anniversary Focus SE. Paired with carefully selected East Indian rosewood for the guitar’s back and sides, it creates an alluring appearance as well as incredible volume and response. Its tone is mellow and bass-heavy, matching its dark appearance, which we’ve complemented by using gun metal acrylic to create a distinct rosette and inlays. Our Wave headstock and Delta bridge help set this version of the Focus SE apart from previous models by outfitting it with Breedlove’s more modern aesthetic, which helps us bring this ancient wood to life by looking toward the future.
It’s been a long journey for this tree that once lived along the Klamath River and we hope you’ll be enjoying its tone for years to come. View full instrument profile.